50th verse is your jubilee verse

Faith is power

John Paul and Mercy Paul were born in India and migrated to the U.S. in their young age. John Paul was saved at the age of 12 and began to preach the gospel since his teenage years.

Mercy Paul was disregard several years before marriage from the Hindu religion and she is serving the Lord in fulltime ministry with her husband around the world.

What we do

John Paul has been preaching the gospel since his teenage years. He started preaching in the streets of Chennai and then went inside the city buses, trains etc to preach regularly.

His unquenchable zeal took him to preach in over 150 villages and in over 2040 churches around the world. His nonstop preaching of 7 services on Sundays and on Fridays (in Gulf countries) is very common for him. He has ministered on Daystar T.V, LESEA T.V (U.S.A) Holy God T.V, NLM T.V (Europe) and many Indian T.V networks.


We preach the uncompromising Word of Faith and help the people to get the “Jesus marveling faith” and the “God-honoring giving” in their Christian walk.

Jesus showed the disciples, that only two parts of the body are important for them to live a God pleasing life, They are hands and mouth, hands to work and to give, mouth to speak faith and to bless.

What we believe

• The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit to reveal God’s plan for man.

• One true God revealed in three forms to save and redeem the fallen human race

• Salvation is by the grace of God and is obtained by personal faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

• After accepting Christ as the personal savior one must be baptized in the water by immersion as a testimony to the world.

• The Lord’s Supper is our testimony to the suffering, burial and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ till He comes back. It consists of two elements, bread and fruit of the vine.

• The believers should be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the outward evidence of speaking with other tongue.

• The Church is the body of Christ and all the believers should not forsake the assembling of themselves regularly

• God wants to give you His divine health and we can stay healthy without sickness

• God wants to prosper you and give you abundant life

• Jesus took away our sorrows and bore our sickness on the cross by his stripes

• Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth to judge this world and to preserve Israel as the Holy Nation.

We have a one thousand years of rule in this earth

“And He led them out as for as Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them” (Luke 24:50)

John Paul also ministers to several hundreds of pastors in each seminar and conducts youth rallies for thousands of young people all over the country,

John Paul and Mercy Paul have run 3 orphanages so far, and now helping other orphanages that are in need. They have done some other social works such as beggars’ transformation meetings, food packets supplies for the flood victims, free medical clinics and free medical camps in different places.

Their goal is to reach as many souls as possible and train them to become perfect in Christ before the Lord’s return. They are very eager to do some more tv ministry to spread the good news around the world. Since every adversity has the seed of opportunity, they never crumble under pressure but convert every challenge into a testimony with the help of the Almighty God!